

The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines detailing Lynn University's commitment to provide its employees with a workplace that is free of bullying.


Lynn University strives to maintain a workplace that is free of bullying. Bullying is the persistent demeaning and downgrading through words, actions and communications that erode self-confidence and undermine self-esteem.

It is the responsibility of every individual to ensure bullying or intimidation does not occur at any level within the University. All employees should be aware that bullying affects the dignity of people at work, is unacceptable, and can be grounds for corrective action up to and including termination.

Misconduct constituting bullying will be dealt with promptly and appropriately. Responsive action may include, for example, training, counseling, monitoring of the offender and/or corrective action Lynn University believes appropriate under the circumstances.

Note: Incidents of bullying based on an individual’s sex, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, gender expression, or gender identity will be investigated and resolved pursuant to the University’s Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy.


Bullying—any intentional written, verbal, or physical that: physically harms an employee or damages the employee’s property; or has the effect of substantially interfering with an employee’s job performance; or is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or has the effect of substantially disrupting the operation of the University. The following, non-exhaustive list, are examples of bullying behavior that may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment:

  1. Repeated verbal harassment of a severe or pervasive nature.
  2. Personal insults and name-calling.
  3. Persistent picking on a person for the butt of jokes, horseplay, uncomplimentary remarks or other behavior likely to cause offense.
  4. The maligning or ridiculing of a person directly or to others.
  5. Refusal to communicate in a normal collegial way.


Employees who believe they are being bullied should attempt to resolve the problem informally if possible. Victims of bullying should explain clearly to the other employee that the behavior in question is unwelcome and offensive; as well as the harmful effects on the employee and that it is contrary to policy. It may be the case that the other employee does not realize the effect of the behavior on the employee.

Employees who believe they are being bullied and who cannot resolve the matter by addressing it with the other employee should share their concern in writing to Employee Services for review.


Any questions about this policy or how to file a complaint should be directed to Employee Services.

Note: If the alleged victim of bullying believes the incident was based on his or her sex, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, gender expression, or gender identity, inquiries may be directed to the Lynn University Title IX Coordinator, whose office is located in the Office of Compliance (in the Green Center) 3601 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida, 33431. The Title IX Coordinator may be contacted by phone at 561-237-7727 or by email at [email protected]. In the alternative, the University Counseling Center, the Confidential Student Advocate, or Health Center Professional Staff may be contacted on a confidential basis. See the Lynn University Sexual and Gender- Based Misconduct Policy.

Not Applicable.

To learn more about this policy or the supporting procedures, please contact Employee Services.

Policy updated on: Jan. 17, 2024